9th grade- A Nature Reserve - კომპლექსური დავალება - 2022-2023yy

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კომპლექსური დავალება  

სათავგადასავლო-შემეცნებითი ტურის პრეზენტაცია.

"A Nature Reserve"

მოსწავლეებმა შეარჩიეს საქართველოს გეოგრაფიული ტერიტორია, ეროვნული პარკი, ნაკრძალი და წარმოგვიდგინეს სათავგადასავლო-შემეცნებითი ტური ვიზიტორთათვის. 

1. თეკლა ბუცხრიკიძე - სათაფლია

2. გიორგი ბზიკაძე -  ლაგოდეხის ნაკრძალი

3. გურამ გოგუა - ბორჯომ ხარაგაულის ეროვნული პარკი

4. იოანე ბაზანოვი - ლაგოდეხის ნაკრძალი

5. ლიკა ცქიფურიშვილი - ყაზბეგის ეროვნული პარკი

Nature reserve in Georgia

Probably one of the most popular nature reserves in Georgia is the Kazbegi National Park, which is located 150 km from Tbilisi on the east side of the Greater Caucasus. Every year hundreds of tourists come here to enjoy the surrounding beauty. The reserve was founded in 1976, over time its territory has expanded, and now it covers approximately 9030 hectares. The flora in this region is diverse. 35 % of the reserve territory is covered by forests, where grow subalpine, birch, pine trees. Here you can find a rare birch tree Reddy, listed in the Red Book. The rest of the territory is covered by subalpine and alpine meadows. The fauna is equally diverse; there are many rare species of animals, also listed in the Red Book of Georgia. Here dwell foxes, brown bears, chamois, mountain goats and other animal species. You can get from the capital to the reserve by taking the bus which departs from Didube bus station.

6. შორენა კალატოზი - ლაგოდეხის ნაკრძალი

Nature reserve in Georgia

Lagodekhi Protected Areas - one of the world’s best-preserved, primitive area with a diversity of natural landscapes – is located in Lagodekhi, in the extreme north-eastern part of the southern slopes of the Caucasus and extends at an altitude of 590-3500 m.

Lagodekhi Protected Areas includes Lagodekhi Nature Reserve (19755 ha) and Managed Reserve (4500 ha). The latter creates optimal conditions for an understanding of nature through infrastructure development related to education and recreation works. At present there are five breathtaking, safe and informative tourist trails in managed reserve of Lagodekhi Protected Areas, namely: Grouse waterfall, Ninoskhevi waterfall, Machi castle, Black Rock Lake and knowledge of nature trail.

Central entrance of Lagodekhi Protected Areas is integrated into administrative and visitors complexes. Exposition and exhibition halls are arranged in the administrative building, where visitors have the opportunity to become familiar with the specifics of Lagodekhi protected areas, existing tariffs, safety rules and to choose a desirable route from existing tourist trails with appropriate services.

7. ნიკოლოზ ზივზივაძე

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