ქ. ქუთაისის N35 საჯარო სკოლა
9 კლასი
My ideal neighbourhood and Green Neighbourhood Day
გარემოს დაცვა გულისხმობს ყველა იმ ღონისძიებას, რომელიც მიზნად ისახავს ადამიანის და ბუნების სასიცოცხლო საფუძვლების მთლიანობაში შენარჩუნებას და გარემოს არსებული დაზიანებების აღმოფხვრას. აქ წინა პლანზე დგას ადამიანის მიერ გამოწვეული ზიანის შეზღუდვა და გარემოზე ზემოქმედება. რა უნდა გავაკეთოთ იმისათვის, რომ ნაკლები ზიანი მიადგეს გარემოს?
წარმოგიდგენთ მე-9 კლასის მოსწავლეების ხედვას გარემოს დაცვასთან დაკავშირებით და მათ მიერ შექმნილ ბროშურებს, რომლებიც ხელს შეუწყობს ცნობიერების ამაღლებას ბუნების დაცვის საქმეში.
1. Tekla Butskhrikidze
Green neighbourhood Saturday
Watering on a regular schedule does
not allow for cool spells or rainfall, which reduce the need for watering. Step
on some grass. If it springs back up when you move your foot, it does not need
How to keep your neighbourhood
Great way to make sure we keep our neighborhood clean and green is to pick up garbage we find in ditches and highway. This purpose is keeping our Earth healthy. Ways to keep the highways clean are being cautious trash is not thrown out of car windows and going outside to clean up the ditch.
Use your dishwasher
Believe it or not, your
dishwasher is more efficient than you.
A dishwasher uses around half
the hot water you’d use if you were washing your dishes by hand. So it’s good
for the environment as well as your pocket.
A mid-range dishwasher can do a
full 65 degree cycle for around 1.5 units of electricity or 65 cents at today’s
elevated prices (even less if you run it at night and have a night saver meter
or smart meter).
Just make sure you only turn it
on when you have a full load to do. And there is no need to pre-rinse (you’re
wasting water and besides, dishwasher tablets actually clean better when there
is some dirt to stick to).
Storing your bins
your bins must be stored on your property between collections, not on the
footpath or street. Please retrieve and store your bins on your property soon
after collection.
left out on the street or footpath can create safety hazards and cause
littering problems if they get knocked over. They’re also more likely to be
damaged, stolen or lost.
Bin your gum
gum dropped on the ground sticks to the footpath and streets. It doesn’t
degrade over time and it’s difficult and costly to remove. As the gum builds up
it makes our streets look unsightly.
consider others and dispose of your chewing gum thoughtfully by putting it in a
street litter bin.
Green Neighborhood
Green neighborhood is a neighborhood that practices a
way of life to meet the needs of people's activities. Community
practices in this green neighborhood also have the potential to regulate
pollution, save energy, accessibility, safeguard the environment, increase
employment opportunities and reduce crime rates.
Ways to Have a Green Neighborhood is:
To grow a garden.
Take care for the
trees on your block.
Ride a bike.
Help your neighbors
spruce up local parks
Become an advocate for
your neighborhood park.
Request a greening
project for your social group or company.
Recycle responsibly.
There’s more to talk about with ‘’greening’’ our neighborhood.
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