Continue the story- 9th grade (Writing)-(2022-2023yy)

      სსიპ ქ. ქუთაისის N35 საჯარო სკოლის 

მე-9 კლასი

თემა: Continue the story

"The noise in the attic"

შემოქმედებითი წერა რთული სააზროვნო პროცესია. იგი არის რაიმეს ახალი გზით კეთება ან დანახვა. შემოქმედებითი აზროვნება ხასიათდება იდეების მრავალრიცხოვნებით, მრავალფეროვნებით და გარდაქმნის უნარით. უცხო ენაში აქტიურად ვიყენებთ არაერთ  შემოქმედებით აქტივობას, როგორიც არის მაგალითად, continue the story. Continue the story არის შემოქმედებითი წერის ერთ-ერთი აქტივობა, სადაც მოსწავლეებს მიეცემათ ამბავის დასაწყისი, ხოლო დასასრული ყველა მოსწავლემ უნდა წარმოადგინონ ინდივიდუალურად და კრეატიულად, საკუთარი ინტერპრეპაციით, სადაც მოსწავლე ჟანრსაც და სიუჟეტსაც თავად ცვლის. 

35-ე საჯარო სკოლაში ჩატარდა შემოქმედებითი წერის კვირეული მე-8 და მე-9 კლასებში. ამჯერად წარმოგიდგენთ მე-9 კლასი მიერ შესრულებულ ნაშრომებს.

1.         Lika Tskipurishvili

Noise in the attic

Sam was searching for his favorite teddy bear, Barney. He could not find him anywhere. He decided to search in the attic. He climbed the ladder carefully and turned on the light as he reached the top. The dust made him cough. He began looking through some old toy boxes. Suddenly, he heard a strange noise coming from under an old blanket. Very slowly, he lifted the blanket... When he lifted the carpet, a mouse came out and he was so scared that he screamed loudly. When the parents heard the sound, they immediately went up and could not stop laughing when they heard what happened. Finally, he found the bear he was looking for.


2.         Shorena Kalatozi

Noise in the attic

Sam was looking for his beloved bear, Barney. He could not find it anywhere. He decided to look into the attic. He carefully walked up the stairs and turned on the light as he reached the top. The dust caused a cough. He began looking through some old toy boxes. Suddenly, a strange nose and an old blanket came from below. He lifted the blanket very slowly and saw that it was his talking toy, he was very scared, he sighed and continued to look for his favorite toy... he was very upset because he couldn't find it anywhere. Then he remembered that he stayed it in his parents' room, he walked up the stairs carefully, entered his parents' room, took a toy and returned to his room happily and continued to play.


3.         Guram Gogua

Noise in the attic

Sam was searching for his favorite teddy bear, Barney. He could not find him anywhere. He decided to search in the attic. He climbed the ladder carefully and turned on the light as he reached the top. The dust made him cough. He began looking through some old toy boxes. Suddenly, he heard a strange noise coming from under an old blanket. But Sam first got worried and he quickly got down from the attic and told his older sister Emma everything that happened in the attic. Talked about strange noises coming from those boxes. Emma laughed and climbed a ladder, which goes to the attic right away. Noises still were coming away from dusty old boxes but Sam was brave enough to lift the first box, there was old worn out clothes. Emma went for the box, which was making the most noise; there was various toys as Emma was digging deeper and deeper. In toy box, they found a toy, which was making frightening sounds. This toy was designed to make spooky sounds, it was a special Halloween toy.


4.         Giorgi Bzikadze

Noise in the attic

Sam was searching for his favorite teddy bear, Barney. He could not find him anywhere. He decided to search in the attic. He climbed the ladder carefully and turned on the light as he reached the top. The dust made him cough. He began looking through some old toy boxes. Suddenly, he heard a strange noise coming from under an old blanket.  Then he saw paper, which was showed where the bear was but there was a thing. Sam had to go up into the wardrobe; he was thinking about what to do and came up with an idea. He grabbed all the books, stuff, and placed them as a stair then he walked up the stair of the book and grabbed his favorite bear. He was happy until he realized the mess he made in the room. He managed to clear all the mess, and sleeping time came but he was happy he could sleep with his favorite teddy bear!


5.         Tekla Butskhrikidze

Noise in the Attic

Sam was searching for his favorite teddy bear, Barney. He couldn’t find him anywhere. He decided to search in the attic. He climbed the ladder carefully and turned on the light as he reached the top. The dust made him cough. He began looking through some old toy boxes. Suddenly, he heard a strange noise coming under an old blanket. Very slowly, he lifted the blanket. “oh, God!”-Sam said,-“this is only my old toy, which was accidently turned on” and he turned it off. “Interesting, what enabled it to turn on?”-Sam thought. After that, he continued searching the bear. Finally, Sam found his teddy bear but it was a little torn apart. “Who hurt you like that? You need a little sewing!” As he was about to go down, he suddenly noticed something little running around the corner. Sam wondered what the creature was it and walked toward it slowly. He placed the bear nearby on the stairs. As he got closer to the creature in the covered basket, he suddenly noticed a furry animal. It was a little kitten. “What the cute!”-thought Sam. He picked up the kitten and realized that it was the kitten of his white cat, Miss Cherry. “Naughty cat!”-said Sam with laugh, bringing down both, the kitten and the teddy bear.

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