Continue the story- 8th grade (Writing)-(2022-2023yy)

 სსიპ ქ. ქუთაისის N35 საჯარო სკოლის 

მე-8 კლასი

თემა: Continue the story

გრძელდება შემოქმედებითი წერის კვირეული 35-ე საჯარო სკოლაში, სადაც მონაწილეობას ღებულობდნენ მე-8 და მე-9 კლასის მოსწავლეები. ამჯერად წარმოგიდგენთ მე-8 კლასის მიერ შესრულებულ ნაშრომებს.

 Continue the story არის შემოქმედებითი წერის ერთ-ერთი აქტივობა, სადაც მოსწავლეებს მიეცემათ ამბავის დასაწყისი, ხოლო დასასრული ყველა მოსწავლემ უნდა წარმოადგინონ ინდივიდუალურად და კრეატიულად, საკუთარი ინტერპრეპაციით, სადაც მოსწავლე ჟანრსაც და სიუჟეტსაც თავად ცვლის. მოცემულ შემთხვევაში მოსწავლეებს დაევალათ ტექსტთან ერთად შესრულებული ნაშრომის დასათაურებაც.

მოსწავლეებმა თავიანთი ნაშრომები წარმოადგინეს სხვადასხვა ჟანრში. მოცემულია: სათავგადასავლო, ფენტეზი, საშინელებათა, მისტიკა, რომანტიკა, ისტორიული და დეტექტივი.

ჟანრთა მრავალფეროვნება კიდევ ერთხელ მოწმობს შემოქმედებითი წერის უპირატესობას და უნიკალურობას.

1. თეკლა ნიორაძე - “The weird door”
2. ლილე კოხოძე - “The strange case of the castle”
3. გიორგი სინგი - “The Hidden Secret”
4. ლუკა ზივზივაძე - “Dead body”
5. თემო დვალიშვილი - “Black cat and door’s guard”
6. ელისაბედ კუპრაძე - “Charming Princess”
7. მანა ხვადაგიანი - “The Voice”
8.  თამაზ შონია - “Secret treasure”
9.  ქეთი ქიმაძე - “Nobody to lovers”
10. თომა ურთმელიძე - "The heavenly creature"
11. ნიკო ლიპარტელიანი - “The secret room"
12. მონიკა თოდაძე - "Life beyond the door"

1.         Tekla Nioradze

“The weird door”

I work in the King's castle. My job is to guard a small door in the lowest level of the dungeon. For two years, I have seen nothing and I have heard nothing. Nobody has come in or out of that door but, two days ago, I heard a faint rumbling noise coming from the other side. And yesterday, the noise got louder… I got really scared and thought to tell the king but then I thought if I tell him he would think I did something so I didn't want to be in trouble. One day the king decided to go outside in the wood's with his horse because it was a really nice sunny day, when he left I got really interested what was behind that door. I really wanted to open it but it was impossible, the door wasn't that big but it had a huge lock on it and it needed the key and I didn't know where the key was so I gave up. An hour later the king returned from his walk with his horse in the woods, he seemed really tired. When he came through the gate he dropped a really small key I was about to tell him but instead I grabbed the keys and put it in my pocket, because I wanted to try it on the door. When I tried it was literally the keys of the lock. When I got in the room there was a half of the castle, I didn't know it was this big, I didn't expect it to be this big. In the middle of the room there was a gigantic treasure that was fallen down from somewhere hidden up in the room and that was the noise that got me scared that day, I couldn't open the treasure because it had ten different locks on it and I quickly got out before I got caught, but I'm still going to find out what's in that treasure.


2.         Lile Kokhodze

“The strange case of the castle”

I work in the King's castle. My job is to guard a small door in the lowest level of the dungeon. For two years, I have seen nothing and I've heard nothing. Nobody has come in or out of that door. But two days ago, I heard a faint rumbling noise coming from the other side. And yesterday, the noise got louder... But I thought that was only my fantasy, because I wanted to know something interesting about it and as I thought I heard nothing next two weeks. But when I believe myself it was a fantasy I heard something again. That was terrifying roar. Then I heard nothing again. And then I noticed that noise was only at nights but not every night, only those nights when there was a full moon. I was interested but I was afraid to ask the king anything about it. One day I came across other guards were talking. When I asked them what they were talking about, they said they were talking about king’s son, but I was surprised because the king had only one daughter who was crying every day.

Guards told me that before I started working here king’s wife was pregnant, but no one had seen a child except the royal family members. That was ten years ago and after that king’s wife and her 11 years old daughter were crying every day.

The king trusted me and always left me keys but I was not allowed to open the door. But one day I opened the door at daylight and I did not believe my eyes, in these room there was a beautiful, blonde, blue-eyed, little boy, who looked like a king’s daughter very much. I was surprised but I locked the door again. I did not want anybody to see me. But I told myself how I could let this beautiful boy to live there. One night when it was a full moon, I opened the door again but the boy was nowhere, but I saw a terrified wolf. When a wolf looked at me it had blue eyes, just like this boy, but when wolf turned around from the moon you don’t believe what happened, blue eyed wolf turned into blue eyed boy. I was standing in front of real life turn-skin. When the boy saw me he hugged me happily. I asked the boy who he was and he told me: “I am Mike and I am 10. Father locked me here when I was eight. Because I was born while a full moon and I am a turn-skin. When I turned 8, father told me he was tired because every full moon he had to hide me and he said that I would ashamed him. And he locked me here. My mother and sister cried a lot but my father did not give up. So I am here for 2 years and who are you?”

“I am this room’s guard, king took me to this job and did not tell me what I was guarding. I guess you are king’s son.” “Yes” - said boy – “I am”.

I was very angry at king. So I took a boy out from the room and took him to the king. “What are you saying about him?” I asked king angrily. King started crying I said to king: “Your beautiful son is not a shame, your behavior is a shame”. King apologized to his son and hugged him. His mother gave him a hug, too and his sister Maria started crying, hugged him and kissed him, too. King gave the order to his subordinates to make special medicine to cure Mike and they did it. Boy finally cured and live happily with his family.

3.         Giorgi Sing

“The Hidden Secret”

I work in the King's castle. My job is to guard a small door in the lowest level of the dungeon. For two years, I have seen nothing and I've heard nothing. Nobody has come in or out of that door. But two days ago, I heard a faint rumbling noise coming from the other side. And yesterday, the noise got louder....I was very curious and tried to knock on the door but there was no response. Well, my curiosity was killing me and I tried to find the keys but then came another problem the keys were in King's office and only the King and Cleaner had access to that room. I was tired and went to sleep when I woke up the first thing I did was to ask for help from cleaner so I would have a key to open the Secret Door. Cleaner Said: It's risky and I don’t think I can do that, but then I offered her a lot of money she had no other option but to accept the deal. Time was passing and my patience was running out, so I stood up and went to find the cleaner and she was nowhere to be found but I found keys close to the door I thought she has might dropped it. I took the key and opened the door and I was left speechless, there was an underground mansion that it was so beautiful and had lots of things for wars. There was no words to explain that. I almost got caught by one of the housekeepers. Then I understood why our king was so strict not to open the door. He was preparing for the next war between him and other King. So from that time I was not afraid of losing my life in that war and I was that happy that I was never been happier than that time.


4.         Luka Zivzivadze

“Dead body”

I work in the King's castle. My job is to guard a small door in the lowest level of the dungeon. For two years, I have seen nothing and I've heard nothing. Nobody has come in or out of that door. But two days ago, I heard a faint rumbling noise coming from the other side. And yesterday, the noise got louder.... It made me feel strange. After that I decided to open that door. And I saw a lot of mice and in that room there were a lot of cobwebs. It was very dirty. Then I smelled something awful. When I went hear the closet in that room, it smelled very bad. When I opened it, I saw a dead body that had worms over the body. It may someone Kill her and put her in that closet. That dead body probably kept in that room before I came to guard. And now I know why it had a noise because the mice smelled a dead body and they bit it. And there are a lot of mice so it make a loud noise.


5.         Temo Dvalishvili

“Black cat and door’s guard”

I work in the King's castle. My job is to guard a small door in the lowest level of the dungeon. For two years, I have seen nothing and I've heard nothing. Nobody has come in or out of that door. But two days ago, I heard a faint rumbling noise coming from the other side. And yesterday, the noise got louder.... What happened? So, I want to check this small door. I borrow the key from my colleagues, who was work as a soldier. I used this key to open the small door. Inside that, there was nobody and there was very dark. Suddenly, I heard a sound from there. I walked slowly and say:” Is anybody here”. But nobody answered. However, I heard an animal sound,”miao, miao” under the table. I walked slowly to the table and saw the black cat was under the table. This black cat was so hungry. So, I brought it out and found the food to give the cat to eat. These three days, the noise I heard came from a black cat.


6.         Elisabed Kupradze

“Charming Princess”

I work in the King's castle. My job is to guard a small door in the lowest level of the dungeon. For two years, I have seen nothing and I've heard nothing. Nobody has come in or out of that door. But two days ago, I heard a faint rumbling noise coming from the other side. And yesterday, the noise got louder....I was very interested in what that sound was and l decided to enter the room when no one was around. When there was no one around l decided to clean this room and you can't even imagine what I saw. I saw a princess who was very beautiful and charming. When she saw me, she got scared and tried to scream, but l suddenly came and calmed her, she told me that she was kidnapped. The next day we decided to sneak out of the palace and we did that. But one more question bothers me why such noises were coming from this room or is this girl really princess!?


7.         Mana Khvadagiani

“The Voice”

I work in the King's castle. My job is to guard a small door in the lowest level of the dungeon. For two years, I have seen nothing and I've heard nothing. Nobody has come in or out of that door. But two days ago, I heard a faint rumbling noise coming from the other side. And yesterday, the noise got the day I was curious but I couldn't let myself in I was scared I had many questions and I couldn't answer them it was driving me crazy but I couldn't lose this job. One day the door opened by itself I couldn't help I looked in and I saw a dark long hallway and I heard the voice. It was calling my name I got scared, ran outside and told one of the guards what happened he followed me but when we got there door was closed and no sound was coming out guard told me that I was tired and needed some rest that’s why I heard voices. But it wasn't true, sound kept getting louder and I was going crazy I thought I was hallucinating but then it hit me if there was nothing in this room why would they need a guard? next day I gave myself a strength and went in. I was walking in the dark scary hallway and suddenly I heard a sound. Somehow the light went on and I saw a girl who was standing backwards I couldn't see her face who are you I asked her. I was shaking then she turned and I saw her face. She had some kind of rare beauty I couldn't describe. I was starting to feel dizzy she began talking: I’m sorry if I scared you I was watching you this whole time. You seem to be a good person. - Her voice was strange and scary - but you were stupid enough to come here. It’s late now. then I passed out next day I woke up what a strange dream I said what dream someone asked I recognized that voice it was hers...


8.         Tamaz Shonia

“Secret treasure”

I work in the King's castle. My job is to guard a small door in the lowest level of the dungeon. For two years, I have seen nothing and I've heard nothing. Nobody has come in or out of that door. But two days ago, I heard a faint rumbling noise coming from the other side. And yesterday, the noise got louder....So I decided to enter the door. When I enter the door there was complete darkness and I could not see anything. Then I saw big iron door. I didn't had keys for this door. Then I saw second door. But it was wooden door. When I entered I saw keys on the table. Then I decided to take it. When I took keys I hear loud voice of someone or something and then I found that door was locked. But then I remember that I had a gun. I took my gun and shoot the door. It was opened. Then I used the key for iron door and it’s worked. The door was opened. When I enter in this room I could not see anything special. But then I looked to the side and saw a chest full of treasure. I was very happy and got back. Then I told the king all of this story and he rewarded me and took me by his right hand. But to this day I wonder why the king didn't know anything about it?!


9.         Qeti Qimadze

“Nobody to lovers”

I work in the King's castle. My job is to guard a small door in the lowest level of the dungeon. For two years, I have seen nothing and I've heard nothing. Nobody has come in or out of that door. But two days ago, I heard a faint rumbling noise coming from the other side. And yesterday, the noise got louder....I didn't know what to do. I was nervous because I thought there was something that would hurt me. I didn't know what was going to happen if l didn't pay any attention. For two days l didn't hear the sound but after that it started again. I didn't know what it was, but after two weeks I saw there was a little hole. I wanted to say something but I heard a talking coming out of that hole. It was a girl the same age as me and the same position as me, so I decided to help her dig a hole, we saw each other and first thing l thought was, she is so pretty. Later that day we told each other our stories, and decided to go out as soon as possible. We worked on a plan and two days later we had it, we would dig another hole and do our best. In two weeks we got out of Castle. We were friends but after two years we fell in love and got married.


10.       Toma Urtmelidze

"The heavenly creature"

I work in the King's castle. My job is to guard a small door in the lowest level of the dungeon. For two years, I have seen nothing and I've heard nothing. Nobody has come in or out of that door. But two days ago, I heard a faint rumbling noise coming from the other side. And yesterday, the noise got louder....I ignored it again. Days passed and I heard the sound again, it sounded like someone whispering. I pulled myself together, took a deep breath and opened the door to little. It was dark in the room. All of a sudden my eyes saw a beautiful bird, shining like the sun. I have to admit, I have never seen such heavenly and eye-catching creature. The bird turned into gorgeous lady. My eyes widened and I was surprised. The lady looked at me, smiled warmly and gave me the feather that she pulled it out of her headdress. The next thing I know was that the heavenly creature was gone. Next morning I only had the shiny feather


11.       Niko Liparteliani

“The secret room”

I work in the king’s castle. My job is to guard a small door in the lowest level of the dungeon. For two years, I have seen nothing and I have heard nothing. Nobody has come in or out of that door. But, two days ago, I heard a faint rumbling noise coming from the other side. And the noises was getting louder…. I was interested and scared of this. One day I dared to enter room and there was a terrible monster. I started screaming but monster stopped me and said ,,if you scream again I will kill you" I was scared, I could not make a sound and monster said to me: I’m not a monster I’m a human. Your king just enchanted me and put me in this situation. Before he reigned I was a king and he was my counselor I always believed in him but he lied to me. Now you know what happened to me. I know you are strong and please help me to knock him off the throne.

12. Monika Todadze

"Life beyond the door"

I work in the king’s castle. My job is to guard a small door in the lowest level of the dungeon. For two years, I have seen nothing and I have heard nothing. Nobody has come in or out of that door. But, two days ago, I heard a faint rumbling noise coming from the other side. And the noises was getting louder... I was so scared and also so excited. I was eager to see what was happening inside the door. But everybody forbade me to enter inside it. I could not resist the temptation and finally I decided to open this secret door. It is very difficult to describe what was happening inside of it. Here was a girl. She was the most beautiful person I have ever seen. Everything around was bloody and she was in danger. The girl told me that bad people tortured her. When I found out the reason I was shocked and I burst into Tears. They tortured her because they wanted this girl to tell them what happens after death. I did not know what to do but finally I decided to survive this beautiful girl and I did it. Moral: Nobody in life can understand what happens after death no matter what the do.

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წარმოგიდგენთ მე-6 ა და მე-6 ბ კლასის მოსწავლეების მიერ შესრულებულ კომპლექსურ დავალებას თემაზე- A postcard-"My childhood photo". (ღ...