Start the story- 9th grade (writing) -(2022-2023yy)

      სსიპ ქ. ქუთაისის N35 საჯარო სკოლის 

მე-9 კლასი

თემა: Start the story

დასრულდა შემოქმედებითი წერის კვირეული 35-ე საჯარო სკოლაში. წარმოგიდგენთ მე-9 კლასის ნაშრომებს. ამჯერად ვიმუშავეთ შემოქმედებითი წერის ერთ-ერთ აქტივობაზე, რომელიც Start the story-ის სახელით არის ცნობილი.
Start the story არის შემოქმედებითი წერის ერთ-ერთი აქტივობა, სადაც მოსწავლეებს მიეცემათ ამბავის დასასრული და ორი საკვანძო სიტყვა, რომლის გამოყენებაც ამბავის შეთხზვის დროს აუცილებელი პირობაა. მოსწავლეებმა უნდა დაიწყონ ამბავის თხრობა, რომელსაც დასასრული ერთნაირი ექნებათ, თუმცა მთელი თხრობის პროცესი იქნება ინდივიდუალური და განსხვავებული.
კრეატიულობა აქაც ერთ-ერთი აუცილებელი პირობაა.

ნაშრომის ავტორები:

შორენა კალატოზი
თეკლა ბუცხრიკიძე
ლიკა ცქიფურიშვილი
იოანე ბაზანოვი
გურამ გოგუა
გიორგი ბზიკაძე

1.         Shorena Kalatozi

Hello, I'm Shorena! Today I want to tell you about my terrible story, which I still can't believe... This summer I was on the vacation in the village with my grandparents, the children decided to play hide and seek, I decided to hide too far away (in the forest) in order to win, the way I was running is Ameban and I couldn't remember it, I was very scared, I screamed, I asked for help, but there was no one... the phone didn't work in the forest. I caught my eye and decided to follow that path I asked the car and bus for help, but no one paid attention to me. As soon as I found the place where the phone caught, I called my friends to ask for help. I got confused at home, but even now, I cannot understand what I saw in the forest that day.


2.         Tekla Buckhrikidze

When I was a kid, I had to drive at night. Then I lived in Svaneti. That night, my mother had phone call by my grandparents and they told her that we had to come to the city. We boarded the night’s bus. Small and beautiful stars were shining on the sky. The road was clear and mountains could be seen wonderful from other side of road. I had sat the side of window. I was enjoyed but tired from night sky and I wanted to sleep. Suddenly, I noticed something glowing from forest, where I looked for. I was fascinated by this showing, because I thought what could glow and jump, also fly? When I said my mum to look that, this thing immediately disappeared. When mum looked to other side, glowing thing appeared again. That was following the bus from the forest side. But even now, I am still not sure what I saw in the forest that night.


3.         Lika Tsqipurishvili

On Saturday morning, my classmates and I were going on an excursion by bus when we heard a strange sound, we all got out of the bus. There was a fog around us, but we could see the beautiful nature in this fog, and we decided to walk in this beautiful forest. When we split into teams in the forest and decided to find each other, the phones stopped working. So we shouted our names to find each other. Unfortunately we couldn't reach each other so we decided to go back to the bus, and on the way, the phone turned on. We called our classmates and they told us where they were, so we headed towards them. When we arrived we saw a huge creature that screamed and run away. Even now, I'm still not sure what I saw in the forest that day.


4.         Ioane Bazanovi

One day I was very bored and decided to go somewhere with my friend, I called him on the phone and we agreed when and where we would go, we decided to go outside the city to the village, and so we did. We went to the village by bus, we had  good time in the nature, then we decided to go to the forest on bicycles and pick mushrooms, we walked a lot and collected a lot of mushrooms, time passed so fast that we didn't understand, nothing unusual fell on us, but we noticed the inscriptions on the tree, they said that we should follow them, my friend followed the signs, and I  told him that it might be dangerous, but he didn't believe me, I couldn't let him go alone, so I followed him, the signs didn't stop, we followed it and finally we came to an abandoned house, we were afraid to enter, but we entered anyway, at first glance, there was nothing unusual, but What we saw here was unbelievable, we still can't believe what happened here. Even now, I'm still not sure what I saw in the forest that day.


5.         Guram Gogua

The story I am going to talk about is three or four years old, I still remember exact date when this memorable experience took place. My friends and I decided to spend our holidays in United States but not in cities but in ghost towns. We went to Bodie, California by bus. When we got to our destination at 9 P.M. it was rare to see a single car on a road, one of my friend is extremely scared of dark especially he was much scared because we were in the middle of nowhere so he was panicking while everybody was trying to calm him down. After a while, we started hearing noises around us but we decided not to care about it and sleep to pass the time. In the middle of the night, my friend got a phone call from weather inspectors that tomorrow would be an extreme hurricane so we immediately packed our bags. The next day everything went really well nobody was injured and we got back home safely. Even now, I am still not sure what I saw in the forest that day.


6.         Giorgi Bzikadze

When I went to the forest, I saw a mysterious monster. It was night when I was in the forest so I did not see his face but I tried catching him. Unfortunately, he suddenly disappeared. I was scared and decided to go back home but I was deep in forest and I had to find a way to my house. Again, that monster showed in front my face he was creepy looking thing and again he disappeared after that I ran randomly and luckily found my house! Even now, I am still not sure what I saw in the forest that day.

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წარმოგიდგენთ მე-6 ა და მე-6 ბ კლასის მოსწავლეების მიერ შესრულებულ კომპლექსურ დავალებას თემაზე- A postcard-"My childhood photo". (ღ...